The Fallacy of “Just Work Harder”
The tax benefits for Americans who give to your nonprofit or ministry are broad and substantial, despite the recent tax reform. Here’s the part of the story you’re just not hearing about from the major outlets.
Christ-follower. Husband. Father of two boys. Leadership geek. Georgia grad. Born for Colorado. Leader of The Giving Crowd.
The tax benefits for Americans who give to your nonprofit or ministry are broad and substantial, despite the recent tax reform. Here’s the part of the story you’re just not hearing about from the major outlets.
Vanco Payment Solutions recently published their Churchgoer Giving Study: Findings Report. While delivering some sobering news, there are seeds of opportunity for the future.
The most important conversations are the hardest ones to have. Nowhere is this truer than in conversations around finances, generosity, and contentment. That’s why an objective third-party stewardship professional is critical to engaging your donors on these topics.
No matter how explicit or urgent the warnings may be, we human beings have a tragic history of ignoring what the facts are telling us. Don’t be the leader who runs your organization into the iceberg. You can rescue the ship now.
It won’t be long before Baby Boomers cease to dominate the landscape of philanthropy and Millennials take their place as the most populous generation. With this significant change on the horizon, what are you doing today to build a bridge to the future of giving?
For today’s tight-budgeted nonprofit organization, it is tempting to neglect cultivating larger, more complex Gifts of Assets or planned gifts that take time to come in and just go for the cash gift today. But there’s no need to sacrifice anything—you can have both!
If we’re doing our job right here at The Giving Crowd blog, then you’re beginning to see how asset-based giving are an essential part of fully funding your mission. But how do you as the nonprofit or church leader cultivate these gifts for your organization?
Taking the ostrich approach to implementing technology into your nonprofit’s fundraising strategy won’t work for long. There’s a cost for those who choose to stick their heads in the sand.
So, you’re convinced. But if you launch an asset-based fundraising strategy in your church, how do you know it won’t just be another passing fad in your church?
Regrettably, there are some concepts where the English language falls flat and needs supporting context to explain what it means
The Giving Crowd
P.O. Box 795001
Dallas, TX 75379
(972) 850-9503